Teaching Material (only for the teaching purpose)(资料下载,仅用作教学目的)
- Lectures on Advanced International Economics (for PhD students,博士生课程)
- Lectures on Advanced International Trade (for PhD students,博士生课程)
- EMA Course in Chinese Foreign Trade (EMA课程,留学生硕士生课程)
- International Trade Theory and Policy (for MA students,科学学位硕士生课程)
- 国际商务专业硕士课程《企业国际化理论与实践》(Enterprise Internationalization: Theory and Practice)(for professional master)
- 本科生《国际投入产出分析》(International Input-output Analysis for undergraduates )
- 本科生《国际贸易》(International Trade for undergraduates)
- Datasets (updating):
- Softwares for programming:
For teaching syllabus, slides, homework, and exercises, please access https://elearning.fudan.edu.cn/courses.
For teaching syllabus, slides, homework, and exercises, please access https://elearning.fudan.edu.cn/courses.
For teaching syllabus, slides, homework, and exercises, please access https://elearning.fudan.edu.cn/courses.
Stata codes: Part 3 compute A, B, L and G using Stata
For teaching syllabus, slides, homework, and exercises, please access https://elearning.fudan.edu.cn/courses.
For teaching syllabus, slides, homework, and exercises, please access https://elearning.fudan.edu.cn/courses.
For teaching slides, homework, and exercises, please access https://elearning.fudan.edu.cn/courses.
For teaching slides, homework, and exercises, please access https://elearning.fudan.edu.cn/courses.
Readings for discussion: 要阅读上课时重点提到的书与文章。
Readings: 1. Putting Ricardo to Work-jpe 2. Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative Advantage_ Old Idea, New Evidence_AER 3. A Ricardo-Sraffa Paradigm Comparing Gains from Trade in Inputs and Finished Goods_JEL 4. Where Ricardo and Mill Rebut and Confirm Arguments of Mainstream Economists Supporting Globalization_JEP 5. USA Section 301 investigation into China 6.Is the WTO Passe_jel_2016
World Bank data: http://www.enterprisesurveys.org/;Enterprise Surveys offers an expansive array of economic data on 131,000 firms in 139 countries ( but basically not including developed economies)
Trans-national IO tables: http://www.wiod.org/home
WTO data: http://stat.wto.org/Home/WSDBHome.aspx?Language=E
UNCTAD data: http://unctadstat.unctad.org/EN/
IMF data: http://www.imf.org/en/Data
OECD data: http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=TIVA_OECD_WTO
CEPII data: http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/en/welcome.asp
Penn World Table: https://www.rug.nl/ggdc/productivity/pwt/
Chinese Customs HS: http://www.qgtong.com/HScode/
CEIC data
R https://www.r-project.org/;
STATA https://www.stata.com/;
GAMS https://www.gams.com/;
MATLAB http://educenter.fudan.edu.cn/;
GTAP https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/default.asp